Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Note from Sophia

Hey everyone, this is Sophia, Ryan's wife, letting you guys know that from the bottom of our hearts, we appreciate all the support and prayers from you all.
It's been a real kick to the ribs. No one ever thinks they're going to get cancer. Ryan never did. It's something that breaks your heart and leaves you on your knees, gasping for air.
But I firmly believe that this is God's biggest challenge for him, this is what will break him, or make him an immovable power-house of faith and enduring to the end.
And we thank you so much for being a part of this journey with us.


  1. Sophia, this is Alicia Garcia. On behalf of myself and my family, and also Jose, please know that we are with you guys and you will be in our prayers. If anyone can beat this thing, Ryan can, because he's such a positive person and thinks outside the box. We love you Ryan!!!

  2. Ryan and Sophia - How our hearts broke this afternoon as we read your text message, delivering this unfathomable news. Thank you so much for letting us know, so that we, too, may be part of this Prayer Powerhouse that will work together to bring about God's Plan in your lives. We love you and add our faith with yours as you face this challenge head-on. Please let us know what more we can do for you. Brenna is so sad, Ryan and she posted this today on Facebook :
    I met him when he was a missionary. I saw him go home, went to his wedding reception. He's one of my best friends, the best jam buddy. I'm so blessed to have met him. I just found out he has Leukemia, please keep Ryan Whelan in your prayers.
    The Visarragas

  3. Sophia~As we pray for Ryan to have the courage to endure and strength to recover, we also have you in our prayers that you can be carried and comforted through the power of the Holy Ghost. Keep the Faith!

  4. Sophia, you are a gift and blessing to that crazy man! As I think of the journey you two shared with us at our dinner table about your courtship, and as I watched and listened to Ryan tell HIS version, I smiled and laughed on the outside and felt peace on the inside. We were concerned about this "young thing" he brought to our house. "Could she HANDLE this ponderous, deep thinking, direct, no beating-around-the-bush kinda man?" I mean REALLY! WHO in their right mind would voluntarily take this guy on?! He's NUTS!

    Before he was released from his mission, we tried to imagine the kind of woman E. Whalen would marry. How long would he wait? She CERTAINLY would need to be OLDER than him to be able to "get" his humor! We had a long list of necessary attributes going. Then, there you were; you defied the whole list! And yet, it was CLEAR that he loved you and he had found his "yoke partner".

    You will be gifted with all that you need to help him through this. Also, to be a help to his family. The Lord is aware and He has prepared you for this for longer than you think. Our prayers will remain with you and Ryan through the whole ride. Keep the laughter going and be strong for him.

    Love you, sweet girl!

