Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 44 - Wednesday, June 20th

 We've had a few days of routines at home.  Feels good to simply do laundry, badger the girls to practice piano (a bit derailed over the past month - am I crazy or a kids like sharks: they smell blood and move in for the kill...?).  OK - I know that wasn't exactly a loving motherly comment, but I insist that there are some similarities.  When our older kids were little, I learned that taking them all to the grocery store after I had been up all night delivering babies was a costly proposition when we got to checkout and there were a gazillion treats in the basket and I didn't have the energy to fight it.  So it has been lately with piano practice, flute practice, on-line Chinese lessons, cleaning rooms, chores, etc.  They think their vacation starts this week.  I think they've already had it, and their vacation ENDS this week!!!!

Ryan found a great used car.  The car they drove from Utah to NY is a 1993 Toyota Camry with 286,000 miles (second engine) with a leaky roof and is is full of mildew.  Given that fungal infections are lethal in immunocompromised patients, Tim and I were delighted to see the old thing go.  Ryan has mixed feelings since he had some emotional attachment to the car.  Makes a Mama proud that she's raised a kid (actually a whole bunch) who see it as a badge of honor to make something old suffice.  Given the circumstances, I really like seeing Ryan's head shining in the newer cleaner car.

He's getting used to being bald (or is it just the heat?) and isn't wearing the hats to cover up in public much anymore.  Sorry, Uncle Larry & Aunt Judy - he's still got some hang-ups about wearing the moose-head hat.  Speaking of moose - tomorrow is the 11th anniversary of Missy's successful moose-hunting trip - in our minivan.  We were lucky (or was it providence?) that we survived to tell the tale.

I just read a great book, "To Heaven and Back", written by an orthopedic surgeon who shares the story of her near-death experience.  It is a wonderful testimony of God's love for all of us, and of the roles we all play in intertwined lives.  She confirms that miracles still do occur, and debunks the idea of coincidences in our lives, acknowledging God's hand in all things.  VERY uplifting.

I'm driving Shannon back to NYC tomorrow.  It's the girls' last day of school, but we decided not to pass up a chance for them to see the city.  Or at least an air conditioned part of it - it's going to be in the mid-90s, so we're planning on going to some museums and then eating in Chinatown. 

Ryan's going to use Tim's car to take Tim and Sophia to work, then get his blood drawn at Albany Med before coming back to get his new ride registered.  Then on Friday we see the new oncologist, Dr. Ira Zackon.  We haven't a clue as to what comes after that. 

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