Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 27 - Saturday, June 2nd

I'm beginning to get a bit self-conscious about this blog.  So many of you call after I have a whiny day.  But simply putting it on paper at the end of each day is quite therapeutic - kind of like de-fragging my brain.  And if another mother wants to read about our journey, like I have been privileged to read about others', a sanitized version would be a disservice.  So I'll keep it real - complete with my little rants as well as the many tender mercies we experience along the way.

This morning all of us went to the Saratoga Sparks - sponsored basketball tournament.  MeiLin plays on a Sparks basketball team for 5th graders.  At the beginning of the year, she could barely dribble or shoot, much less understand the nuances of the game.  But the coaches must have seen something in her during try-outs, because she made the team.  After the first game, she told me disapprovingly that those girls on the other team just took the ball away from people when they were dribbling.  She had a lot to learn.  The coaches, girls and their families have been wonderfully welcoming to us as newcomers to the organization.

Sophia and I worked concessions this morning, and Tim worked the clock for games for most of the day.  It was great to feel normal for a change.  The biggest trauma of the day was when MeiLin was in the game immediately after half-time and didn't realize the teams had changed baskets.  She got the ball and headed the wrong way - much to her embarrassment - and dissolved into tears on the bench.  She was put back in at the end of the half, and "caught and shot" a pass and got her first field goal of the season.  After she walked off the court she again dissolved into tears when she reached me and was hard to console.  I reassured her that LOTS of players have done that at least once.  She didn't believe me.  But a meal at McD's and her dad's tale of his similar trip the wrong way down the court in HS which resulted in 2 points for the other team cheered her up!

Tim stayed to run the clock, and Sophia and I headed to the hospital.  Ryan had celebrated the birthday of another leukemia patient with a pizza party, so he had no food request today (quick - check his temperature!!!).  Or so we thought.  The rest of the story is that his friend Nathan brought him a burrito from Rocket's on Lark Street which he rather enjoyed.

He took off his hat while we were there - actually looks quite handsome bald if you ask me.  Gotta do something about the stubborn patchy remnants of brown hair in the back.  Looks a bit mangy.  But we can't shave his right now because of the risk of nicks & infection.

Ryan got a chance to talk with Dr. Rauch this morning and was able to share his concerns.  He felt that they had a good conversation and is much more comfortable with future care plans.  And hopeful that he will be able to come home sometime next week.

We're talking about changes of habits we'll need to make to protect Ryan once he gets home.  No more drinking out of bottles in the fridge (actually Ryan and Sean were our main offenders in that area), no licking serving utensils, etc.  I'm not sure if the 4 mice are a real concern or not - but I'm tired of cleaning cages weekly with everything else I have going on.  So I'm taking advantage (probably unfairly) of this opportunity to look for a new home for the mice.  There're really cute.......   This may be more challenging than the stuffed animals.......

Ryan was cheerful and upbeat today.  Sophia is excited about a job possibility.  My washer is hanging in there.  MeiLin scored a basket.  Kaia and I snuggled and read together.  Tim enjoyed a day of BB in Saratoga, and an evening of NBA playoffs.  Life is good!

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