Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 40 - June 16, 2012

Ryan starts treatment with etoposide today.  Wikipedia summary:

"Etoposide forms a ternary complex with DNA and the topoisomerase II enzyme (which aids in DNA unwinding), prevents re-ligation of the DNA strands, and by doing so causes DNA strands to break. Cancer cells rely on this enzyme more than healthy cells, since they divide more rapidly. Therefore, this causes errors in DNA synthesis and promotes apoptosis of the cancer cell"

"Its chemical make-up derives from podophyllotoxin, a toxin found in the American Mayapple."

I continue to be amazed at the level of understanding scientists have about the differences between cancer cells and normal cells.  My mind doesn't work at all on that level - how can they figure these things out?  In any case I am grateful for those who spend their lives in labs, persisting probably in spite of many years of minimal results, until they discover something new that contributes another piece to the puzzle. 

I mean really - who would think to look into the "American Mayapple" for a cancer treatment?  Yet it's more confirmation that God has given us all that we need, and that science and religion are irrevocably intertwined rather than mutually exclusive!

Ryan has had severe nausea most of the day, worsened by side effects of Fioricet which he was given for persisting severe headaches.  Add that to orders for less effective nausea meds, and a resident (physician in training) who was reluctant to change the pain med order because he didn't "know the patient", and it was a miserable day for him.

He finally got his etoposide around 5 pm, with the infusion lasting 3 hours.  He has tolerated it well so far.  Two more doses of this and he'll be home.  He is hoping for a discharge early Monday, but the reality of hospital discharges is that it will be mid to late afternoon by the time he gets the chemo and is observed and ready to go.  This time I'm going to push hard to have all his follow-up appointments made and the planned follow-up arranged before we leave. 

MeiLin and her friend set up a lemonade stand in the front yard today - complete with a lemon juicer, knife & cutting board, ice, sugar, bottled water, gloves, etc.  They made two big signs to be seen from each direction on our busy road.  All their business came from our immediate neighbors - they made $5 including tips, and split it.  Little entrepreneurs!!

Fathers Day tomorrow.  We'll all go to have sacrament with Ryan in the hospital, and have a little celebration there.  Whether we bring the triple decker gourmet chocolate cake I bought will depend on how Ryan is feeling. 

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