Sunday, November 4, 2012

November 4: T+10 - ENGRAFTMENT!!!

Ryan's WBCs have been below 150 for several days, but this morning his WBC was slightly over 300.  (Ryan reported 3,000 - but math never was his strong suit!!!)

That means Meghan's cells are growing!!

Tomorrow he'll get his final dose of methotrexate which will most likely drop his WBCs again and cause more mouth sores.

Today he was able to eat part of a grilled cheese sandwich.  That's real progress.

On Tuesday, they will start his neupegen - to make him produce WBCs.  It's the same medicine they gave Meghan before she donated the cells.

And the nurse says if all goes well by next weekend they'll be talking about discharge. 

How exciting is that!!

Grow, little cells, grow!

On the home front, Tim has homework, etc, under control.  Kaia is coming home with some of her best grades ever.

Tim twisted his knee earlier this week and it's quite swollen.  So painful that he left church before it was over and had ice packs on it for most of the day.  He may stay home from work tomorrow.  And from the looks of it, I'd like him to see an orthopedist (but my opinion doesn't hold much when it comes to his medical care!  Doctors are the worst at taking care of themselves....)



  1. Awesome news about Ryan! so glad to hear. Hope Tim's knee doesn't need anything besides some ice and TLC.

    Love, Sara

  2. Talking to Marie today and she told me a story that included a sunday school lesson taught by Tim. And I quote, "He was awesome!" Just thought I'd pass that along.

    And hurrah for new cells!

    1. That will mean a lot to Tim - he was in a lot of pain yesterday and felt that he had failed his students....
