Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12 addendum

Got the call this morning.  Ryan has an appointment tomorrow in Boston at 9 am for a day of tests to set a baseline before started the meds in the clinical trial. He'll have an echo (cardiac ultrasound) and another bone marrow biopsy.  He's had both before, but they need to know his current baseline so they will know what changes, if any, are attributable to the new chemo.

And of course there will be lots of papers and documentation.

Then we'll go back on Monday for the actual chemo which will take about 4 hours and continue at weekly intervals.

Great for him since he hates being in the hospital.  Yet he told me last night that if he had to be hospitalized, he wanted me to come back home to take care of everybody else.  Not happening - he has no friends in Boston, and although I may need to leave him alone for a day here and there, we aren't sending him alone for very long.

Thankfully there will be minimal re-arranging for the girls, and I already have two wonderful "sisters" from my church who will be helping out tomorrow and Monday.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy you got some good news! And I am glad to help anytime :)
