Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 59 - Thursday July 5th

Ryan had his bone marrow on Tuesday; we'll get the results tomorrow. We had a relaxing 4th of July. Slept in, then went to play miniature golf. I never realized that Ryan was so competitive!! Sophia smoked us all - she won nearly every hole. Then go-carts. As we lined up to get into them, I noticed a sign saying that drivers would be held responsible for any damage to persons or property. I looked at Kaia and shuddered, prayed and reminded her not to be crazy. You should have seen the smile on Kaia's face as she drove!! She was being careful and did a great job. Ryan was stuck behind her and wanted to go faster, so he passed her. She claims he "bumped" her car, which is against the rules, and gave him a bad time about it all day. I bit the bullet and took the girls into Waterford for fireworks - alone, since Tim didn't feel up to it, and Ryan can't be around throngs of people. To my surprise, the town was empty. The fireworks won't be until Saturday when Waterford celebrates it's canal history with a tugboat parade. Came home for a few sparklers and an early bedtime. The girls are liking sharing a room. I'm considering bunk beds in Kaia's room, which would leave our office available after the girls are in bed. I started reading the info on what to expect with the marrow transplant. Ryan needs a dental screening and he needs to do buccal swabs for HLA testing as well - the transplant nurse says they double and triple check everything. Reading the part about preparations necessary at home for his return. There needs to be a thorough cleaning, including under beds, behind things, etc, the week before he comes home. Including cleaning of all rugs. Then everything needs to be thoroughly dusted and vacuumed weekly. Bathrooms need a deep clean weekly and a daily disinfecting. The gig is up. I'll have to finally overcome my clutter habits. MeiLin is skipping camp today and we are going to tackle some of it. I still have to do my 2011 taxes (misplaced papers....). And I'll need to teach the girls to keep things picked up as well. I need to borrow Jen Dinkel's dog Cherokee again - he likes socks, and the girls learned not to leave them around the house when he was with us! I'm learning to live day to day. Challenging for a "control freak". Tomorrow we will find out what the next step will be. ---Barb

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